
Ideal solution to relieve exercise nausea

Ideal solution to relieve exercise nausea


Working out is supposed to make you feel good, but sometimes you can experience some unpleasant and downright frightening side effects like dizziness, nausea.

Follow these instructions and do your exercise carefree.
1. Drink water regularly to recover the water lost during exercise.
2. Never gulp water during exercise.
3. Eat a meal 1 to 2 hours before you workout.
4. Do not exercise immediately after you have eaten.
5. Drink a power drink, like Glucose, during your workout, if you are prone to low blood sugar.
6. Avoid carbonated drinks before, during or after workouts.
7. Cool down at the end of your workout.

And last but not the list do not forget to wear “Suhana Safar wristbands” before exercise. It is drug free and easy treatment to stop exercise nausea.


Avoid nausea during pregnancy

Avoid nausea during pregnancy


For many ‎pregnant women its common to Vomit or feel nauseous. Drug-free Suhana Safar is 100% ‪‎safe and ‪effective ‪‎remedy to treat ‪vomiting and ‪‎nausea. It works by ‪acupressure therapy.


What Are The Benefits Of Exercise During Pregnancy?

What Are The Benefits Of Exercise During Pregnancy?


Here are some of the benefits from exercise during pregnancy that you may experience:

  • May help prevent or treat gestational diabetes
  • Increases your energy
  • Improves your mood
  • Improves your posture
  • Promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Regular activity also helps keep you fit during pregnancy.